Mostly, because the things I did to improve myself (stop using bad language, try to live a cleaner lifestyle, etc...) were things I did for me & my family, not because the WTS said to. I didn't have any nasty habits or get drunk all the time so I'm still pretty much who I was before I got into the bORG. The one thing I can credit to being in the bORG is that my bible knowledge has improved and I have come to realize that most people are no more "enlightened" than I am. I used to consider myself a "spiritual dunce" and that I just didn't "get it" like most people. Now I know that there's really nothing to "get", just live peacefully and be nice! I consider all the time spent in field circus and at meetings was a waste, with the exception of the meetings where I sat there reading the bible for me instead of listening to the talk & WT lesson or service meeting B$. The best thing I learned while being a JW was that they're deceptive, but that only took about 2 months for me to come to that conclusion, so I wish I could have the other 7 years back!
The Last Nephilim
JoinedPosts by The Last Nephilim
Do you consider your time as a JW wasted time??
by karter inmany of us have devoted a lot of time and energy to the jw's at the expense of other things like education , planing for retirement , family time just to name a few.. i don't consider it all wasted time there was a lot of good i learnt however i'm doing things now as a jw i never would have.. i don't have the same time pressure and never fell guilty about taking a lot of time out for myself as one elder said to me"if we don't keep you brothers real busy in the work of the kingdom you get swallowed up by the world" .
Did you have any self righteous holier than though in your congro??
by karter inwe moved to a new congro when we got married there was a pioneer couple who looked down on anyone who wasn't as good as them.. my wife was pioneering i was working my butt off trying to save some money to buy a house (we did) these 2 looked down on anyone who brought anything nice ,we found out they were running down to the welfare for a free handout at the expense of hard working people like me just to look good.. take away the label pioneer they would probably support themselves.. another solo mum living on welfare used to rave on how she pioneered lets face it having the state pay you to bring up one child she had plenty of time on her hands.. i was working on council houses and helped her get one even helped her move into it ,soon after she married the father of her child (he became a jw) after the help my wife & i had given her we didnt get an invite to the wedding they only invited elders , ms , regular pioneers one of my mates who was a pioneer said '' don't know why they invited me don't even know them''.
fast forward after much , much ass licking (you had to see it to believe it ) he became an elder only to be removed a few months later.
The Last Nephilim
My ex wife always had (and still has) the "holier than thou" disposition, which is especially evident since she was recently reinstated. She visited her old congregation immediately as if her being reinstated was some kind of glorious return that would involve rolling out the red carpet, etc... I laughed when hardly anyone even spoke to her!!
The worst, though, is our PO, by FARRRR!!!!!!!! On top of being a judgmental a$$, he's a perfectionist. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE who ever worked for him ends up hating his guts until they get pounded with the "our brothers are imperfect, we should be forgiving" shpeel... -
U 2 - What Are Your Favorite Songs and Albums from Them ?
by flipper inwell, this is one of 2 groups i will post tonight .
i'll post my other favorite current group later as i have to go to dinner.
but u 2 is one of my favorite current active groups performing still.
The Last Nephilim
Was once asked what album I'd like to have if stranded on a deserted island and I chose U2- Joshua Tree, hands down!!!!! Running to Stand Still, baby!!!
by tula inso that this will be no surprise to you, and so you will not be swayed in your firm stand of holy spirit truth, i give you this.. .
in the coming months expect to hear this in the kh and the mags..... "for those of you who have heard of the association of the wts and the un and have patiently and faithfully waited on jehovah, we can now tell you our reasons for doing this.
it has all been under the direction of the fds.. this library card was necessary because..... there are very old manuscripts that have never been deciphered and they have been housed within that library.. through much prayer and careful consideration, jah directed for our team of translators, which are the best and most accurate in the world, to be a part of this great uncovering of the new scrolls.".
The Last Nephilim
SO will they change their name to "Supreme Being's Witnesses"?
Do you guys remember the big push to baptize kids?
by isnrblog init was in the 80's i think but they began stressing the urgency of baptism for anyone who was "at an age of understanding".
i heard several assembly talks that said kids under ten could be baptized if they qualified.. this sticks in my mind because my kids were 12 or so and not qualified in my view.
my ex wife pushed my daughter into baptism at 12, she is now 32, not a witness and we both laugh about it..
The Last Nephilim
My 12 year old son is being pressured by our PO and other elders to get baptized. I was right there with them until I realized the WTS was a big scam. Now I'm trying to tell my son to wait until he's much older, but now that his scumbag mom is reinstated, I'm sure she'll rush him to get baptized so she can take the credit and look like a "wonderful, spiritual mother" to all in the bORG.
What J.W teaching did you find the hardest to accept??
by karter infor me it was the fact that god is allowing all these innocent people to get killed to prove a point ,i mean it was a big bet he had with satan.. i explained it to my wife this way if i had our children killed in the most horriable way just to show they couldn't live without me how does that make me look?.
The Last Nephilim
I always had doubts which I eventually obediently pushed out of my mind, but they would pop back up from time to time. The one that I think got the ball rolling for me (and led me to check out other sources like JWD)as far as doctrine was the one mention in the entire Bible in a parable of the all- important "FDS", while "Babylon the Great" and the "Dragon", "Serpent", etc is mentioned many more times. I just couldn't get past why, if loyalty to the bORG and the FDS was sooooooooo vital for our salvation, did Jesus only mention it so casually, in a parable, in the form of a question, ONE TIME!!?? Hence I came to the conclusion that the 1st century Christians were organized, but NOT an "organization". These thoughts were happening right around the time I got my Sept Kingdom Ministry, and the question box was the straw that broke the camel's back! When I compared that KM question box with a June 22, 2000 Awake article "Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda", that was it. I clearly knew then that I was in a cult...
A title for a book on leaving the Witnesses - Any suggestions??
by Witness 007 inhere are some of mine but there based on the witness publications that stick in my mind.. "you won't live forever in paradise on earth.
" "revalation it's grand climax in my pants.
" "reasoning with our scriptures.
The Last Nephilim
Thanks, OTWO! =)
A title for a book on leaving the Witnesses - Any suggestions??
by Witness 007 inhere are some of mine but there based on the witness publications that stick in my mind.. "you won't live forever in paradise on earth.
" "revalation it's grand climax in my pants.
" "reasoning with our scriptures.
The Last Nephilim
"Organized To Accomplish JACK SQUAT!"
"Live With Watchtower Loyalty In Mind"
"You Can Give Forever in Paradise on Earth"
"Benefit US With Theocratic Ministry School Programming"
"All Awakes! Are Inspired of Bethel and Superficial"
"Dismantling the Scriptures Daily"
"Rationalizing of the Scriptures"
"Watchtower- Announcing Rutherford's Kingdom"
"In Spite of the Scriptures, Vol 1 & 2"
"Jehovah's Witnesses- Defamers of God's Kingdom"
"Revelation- It's Bland Climax We Can't Stand!"
"New World Transformation of the Holy Scriptures"
Geez... I guess I got on a roll! -
A title for a book on leaving the Witnesses - Any suggestions??
by Witness 007 inhere are some of mine but there based on the witness publications that stick in my mind.. "you won't live forever in paradise on earth.
" "revalation it's grand climax in my pants.
" "reasoning with our scriptures.
The Last Nephilim
"What Does the Watchtower REALLY Teach"
"Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Strife"
"Draw Close to the Organization"
"Is There an Elder Who Cares About You?"
"Come Be OUR Follower"
"The Greatest Pioneer Who Never Lived"
"The Secret of Family Crappiness"
"Questions Young People Ask- Answers That Shut Them Up!"
I'll think of more later... -
The Last Nephilim
Niiiice video! Keep it up! Are you going to make these regularly? I want to subscribe to your YouTube vids!